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Sinking in Busy-ness

Wednesday 16th March 2011


I’ll start a diary, I said, to intricately chart the build up towards publishing of my first book. That was ages ago now…

Trouble is I’m writing the second book at same time and always feel adding to this website rather than increasing the word count is sort of like the writing equivalent of methadone. It feels the same, looks the same, words appear on the screen but somehow you don’t get nearly the same hit at the end of it.

So since my last post here, this is what you’ve missed:

A trip to Dublin where I met some lovely folks who are going to be selling the book when it comes out. I also bumped into someone I used to work for in my television days and gave him a signed advanced reading copy.

Copy-edits and galleys for the US edition of the book.

A trip to New York – to meet up with sales and marketing folk as well as a couple os journalists who were very charming and made it all feel a bit more real.

A trip to Toronto to meet sales and marketing folk there as well as hang out with my sister for a few days (she lives there).

Numerous meetings with Harpercollins Uk to discuss enhanced ebooks, music, trailers, press, the launch ‘event’ in April which I can’t tell you about.

My first speaking engagement as a writer where I talked for an hour about all the things I did wrong whilst writing my first book.

I’ve been invited to Norway and Italy in June when the book comes out there.

Sanctus sold in four more countries bringing the translation tally up to 23.

What else…oh, yeah, actually writing the second book. I knew there was something.  I have new respect for professional year round writers. Not that I didn’t already have it in spades, but man its hard to focus when you’re day is fractured into tiny slivers.  If it wasn’t for the dog I doubt I’d get out at all. It’s all lovely stuff of course and I’m in no way complaining, but, just like your first child, it’s only when you have another one that you suddenly realise that the first one wasn’t so difficult after all.


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