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Simon Toyne
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Tuesday 24th February 2015


Ok, so here’s a cool thing. I know I’ve been a bit quiet lately, not getting out much, not eating properly, spending far too much time on my own, not writing or calling. But it’s not you, Ok? It’s me. I’ve been finishing the new book which has turned out to be very challenging for, I hope, all the right reasons. But now the new book is done. All the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed. It’s coming your way very soon but I am coming your way sooner. On March 13th and 14th I’ll be taking part in a two day crime festival called …  


I’ll be appearing in the actual flesh in Brighton Waterstones to sign books, answer questions and read some bits from the new book, but also, for all those who can’t make it there, I’ll be an online presence too, a bit like Morpheus in the Matrix only without the clippy on mirror shades. This means you’ll also be able to chat to me in real time, ask me questions, give me a hard to time for taking so long to bring a new book out, that kind of thing. The details are here.

Please come in some form. I’ve missed you guys….


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