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THE CLEARING - out today in the UK

Thursday 20th July 2023


The Clearing - Uk

It's publication day!! Well, at least it is in the UK, The Clearing has actually been out in North America for a couple of weeks but I've been head down finishing Laughton book 3 as I was DETERMINED to finish it before The Clearing (Laughton 2) came out in the UK.

Happily, I finished the first draft of next year's book last week and am currently sitting in a slightly drab and depressing hotel room in Harrogate where I am appearing at the Crime Writing Festival to co-incide with my book launch. Hopefully some of you are coming to, and if you are, do say hello. There's nothign better than meeting readers. I'll be signing copies of The Clearing and any other books you happen to thrust in my hand too.

If you're avoiding the train strikes, however, or are, you know, in another country, you can still order signed, dedicated copies from The Kemptown Bookshop in Brighton - my local indie. Order it there, they'll let me know and I'll swingh round, pen in hand.

Hope you like The Clearing, it's quite spooky. And if you have read it and liked it, please let me know and leave a review wherever you can. It all helps spread the word.



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